Sunday, 17 February 2019

I love me more

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection” - Buddha 

Valentines days just passed and it had me thinking about the importance of loving your self
(granted I should have done this post on Valentines but here it is)

When my boyfriend and I first started dating I fell head over heels and honestly become lazy when it came to looking after me and loving me.

 I quickly realized that I had put too much pressure on him to be my EVERYTHING, to be my peace, my knight and shiny armor, to be that person who is supposed to automatically make me happy and sprinkle magical fairy dust all over my life and love shouldn’t be like that.

It shouldn't be about one person taking the responsibility of solely making you happy nobody and I repeat NOBODY should be in control of your emotions like that cause when and if they leave your joy, peace, and happiness leaves with them.

As great as love, friendship and even materialistic things are nothing is more important than a healthy sense of self-esteem and loving your self.

Through my continuous self-love journey here are the top 4 reasons why I feel its important to love your self more: 

  1. Life becomes so much simpler  

"don't be careless but learn how to care less"

I can't remember where I saw this quote I  think it was from my Bebo days (if you don't know you are too young), but I never really understood the importance of that quote till I started loving me more.

When I started to love my self more things become clearer and simpler, I stopped making as many mountains out of molehills or dwelling on situations I couldn't control or beat my self up about things I couldn’t change. 

      2. You will Stop seeking approval 

We're in an age where how many followers or how many likes your photo gets is the measure we judge people by, we seek validation and attention more now than ever.

But when your opinion of your self goes up you'll have more inner stability and self-sabotage less, creating a space for a more genuine version of you, less defensive and most importantly you 
stop doing things to be liked.

    3. You will stop seeking happiness in relationships 

  "If you're searching for that one person who will change your life look in the mirror"

This is the most liberating reason. When you love your self more you respect your self more you know your boundaries and have new rules and you stick to it. 

I strongly believe the two halves don't make a whole when it comes to relationships, but in fact, it takes two wholes to make a relationship.

Loving my self made me realize you shouldn't rely on any one person to be the source of your happiness they can only add to it.

 and lastly 4. You will be happier

" Love your self first and everything else will fall in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world " - Lucille Ball 

When we find joy and contentment within ourselves, happiness comes out. 

You start making healthier choices and ultimately it becomes a lifestyle.

Self-love is a never-ending journey and there are countless ways to start, so schedule some ''me time'' and start your journey today and if you've already started don't stop.

Outfit Deetales :

Skirt: ZARA (sold out )
Missyempire (similar)
Top: Primark
Heels: Office

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