Saturday, 13 August 2016

Watch out

" The value of a watch is not in being able to tell how much time has passed, but in being aware of the need to make that time count. Moments are bigger than minutes and your watch should tell more than time.  "

It's always about the accessorizing with me and today's post is in collaboration with the wonderful people from JORD Wooden Watches .
If you follow me on Instagram (bb_dasaolu) you've probably already seen this watch make a feature on  it.

The thing I love about this company is their unique position. They offer watches that are designed like no other watch that I am aware are, by offering  a variety of wooden yes wooden designed watches the range from the not only style but price each one more unique and detailed than the last.

Wood wouldn't be the first thing that comes to my mind when envisioning a watch and this is where Jord gets interesting. I love watches and when selecting a watch I enjoy to go for a more minimalistic timeless look. Thankfully they have mastered the perfect mix of simplicity and eye-catching.

The watch I have is called  from the Frankie series the " Zebrawood and Champagne " I choose this cause of its simplicity, colour palette, and big face design. I myself is a fan of the big faced watch and this series had me spoilt for choices.

Going along with the theme of the brand the watch came in a customized wooden box with the companies logo on it. Within the box was the watch, with care and use details along with extra links and spring bar.

I could go on and on about how this watch has quickly become a piece that's always on my waist due to its lightness and versatility. I believe the company was able to bring a unique twist on the daily watch yet keep the fundaments in tack, creating a one of a kind piece.

To link to women's shop :

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Luxury Wood Watch

Mens Wooden Watches


  1. Wow! What a gorgeous watch! Love the wood, it's so unique!

  2. Love this watch & its details

    Love your blog! Let's be blog buddies! following your blog now :D


  3. Hey there, Lux Woods was born out of a perfect storm of a passion for sustainable wood watches,
    healing natural stone bracelets,, and a desire to give back and make a difference in our
    website you can see where the real class is!


© 2025 ||Bunmi Bukky Dasaolu||
Maira Gall